16 Bad Sales Habits Customers Want You to Stop

What would your customers tell you about your sales people’s worst habits? Here are 16 bad sales habits that creep into conversations with customers. I came across this in an interesting book this week – a revised version of Marshall Goldsmith‘s best-selling leadership book specifically addressing the changing issues of sales: What Got You Here […]

Landing Pages

Landing Pages – a Must for Your Inbound Marketing

Landing Pages – Planning for Success When you host a party, you include an RSVP so you can plan. Knowing how many guests will attend means you know how much food to prepare, how much wine to buy and how many chairs to set up. Fail to include the RSVP and you have to plan […]

Internal Content Marketing to Keep Employees Engaged

As a business leader, the principles of content marketing also apply to keeping your employees engaged. In your web content, you appeal to your ideal customers by being informative, helpful, and interested in their challenges. Those are the same keys to help your staff maintain enthusiasm and high performance. A few days ago I wrote […]

Web Content that Truly Matters: Be Inspirational

In my recent posts about publishing web content that appeals to your target market, a key point I make is that writing company-centric articles about your products and services won’t work. Your key focus should be the needs and desires of your ideal clients. How can your web content inspire them to trust you, like […]

Customer Buying Journey

3 Ways to Connect to Your Customers’ Buying Journey

Do you know where your online readers are in your typical customers’ buying journey? Inbound or content marketing on a business blog or website works to attract potential customers but it depends on how well you connect to customers at the right time with the right words that inspire action. Just as it’s important to […]

Buyer Personas – How to Develop for Better Marketing

Understanding who your customers are and what motivates them to buy means better marketing and more sales. It may seem silly, but actually outlining a sketch of who your ideal customer is can be beneficial in this situation. To learn more of what a buyer persona is check out this Wikipedia definition. Here are some suggestions for […]


Blog Strategies: Writing to Different Target Markets

How can you adjust your blog strategies if your business needs to reach different customer segments? Let’s say you sell accounting software to big businesses, small businesses and freelancers. Clearly, you wouldn’t want to send the same marketing message to all of these groups, as it can be confusing. Sending a mixed message turns off […]


Purposeful Leaders: Are you Part of the 40% or 10%?

Are you a purposeful leader? If so, you’re in the minority. According to a 10-year research project, only 10% of managers are purposefully engaged, highly focused and energetic. This is according to Heike Bruch’s and Sumantra Ghoshal’s study, published in A Bias for Action, (Harvard Business Press, 2004). “By its very nature, a manager’s job […]


Knowing vs Doing: Beware of Business “Busyness”

As a business leader, you know what to do, but are you actually doing it? Knowing vs doing becomes a struggle when day-to-day business requires triage – putting off some priorities in favor of others. Only about 10 percent of managers work purposefully to complete important tasks, according to a 10-year study of managerial behavior […]


Feedback from Employees: 3 Simple Questions to Ask

The first thing I do in any almost any new client engagement is survey their clients and employees. It’s critical to getting the information I need to get the results the client wants. It immediately tells me if the client is living their brand promise, if there are customer service issues that need to be […]