Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing Infographic: 4 Steps of the Inbound Marketing Process

Marketing has never been tougher. Customers are more connected, they are consuming more and more content via the Web through more and different mobile devices, and they are just more demanding. They want to get their questions answered (without talking to a sales rep), find what interests them, make educated choices, and feel in control of the process when they buy (and don’t kid yourself, they are in control). And if they love what you offer, they want to talk about it, share it, discuss it – on the platform of their choice.

9 out of 10 B2B buyers say when they are ready to make a purchase, they will find a vendor. Share on X

Marketing has become a four-letter word to them. They don’t want to be marketed to. Especially not the old style of marketing: annoying advertisements, in your face email blasts that have them clamoring for the unsubscribe link, boring pitches for products that they just don’t care one bit about.

Today’s customer is knowledgeable – chances are, they’ve already done research into whatever product or service you’re selling before they ever land on your website or doorstep. The world (and your competitors) is a Google search away.

Thankfully, we have inbound marketing. An more welcome, educational way to engage with your target audience, generate leads and close more sales.

Enjoy the infographic below that outlines the for steps of the inbound marketing process.