

Marketing and Sales Teams at Odds? Bring Them Together by Following These 5 Steps

Peanut butter and jelly. Shoes and socks. Rum and Coke. Marketing and…sales? While it seems like marketing and sales would naturally go together like everything else in the list above, the fact is: they often work at odds from each other. This is a struggle I’ve seen in million dollar companies up to billion dollar companies. Marketing […]


Communications and Sales: How to Change a Bad Sales Habit

When we listed the 16 bad sales habits customers want your sales people to stop, it revealed some fairly common mistakes in communications. You can probably identify your company’s sales people who continually engage in each of them.  You might use a few of these bad sales habits yourself. The book What Got You Here […]


Do You Work for a Good Boss or a Bad One?

Would you say you work for a good boss, or a bad one?Ask people about their bosses, and you’ll hear about the two types they’ve worked for: the ones they’ve loved and the ones they couldn’t wait to escape. When asked for a list of defining qualities, most people identify the following attributes, according to […]


Bad Leadership and the Baboon in the Corner Office

What can we learn from bad leadership and CEO failures? Most newly appointed leaders start out looking pretty good. Yet behind every failed business is an example of bad leadership. The human animal resembles baboons who live and work in small groups where they seek out an alpha male to provide  safety and security. As […]


CEO Mistakes: What Big Corporations Can Teach Us About Communications

The business press loves to attack big corporations and point out CEO mistakes which cause earnings to slip. I’m cautious about negative hype because journalists know bad news sells better than good news. Yet it’s crucial to pay attention to the CEO mistakes journalists love to point out. When Microsoft, Google, and other huge corporations […]