How Marketing Automation Can Make Your Business Smarter (and Richer)

Perhaps you keep hearing about the benefits of marketing automation, and how much of a lifesaver it can be for small businesses? You’re curious but skeptical. Can marketing automation really be that great? I may be a little biased on the subject since I help firms incorporate automation software into their existing sales and marketing processes, but I […]

If MarTech Isn’t on Your ‘Must Invest’ List This Year, Your Business Could Suffer—Here’s Why

When planning your budget this year, are you contemplating investing in technology that could streamline and improve your marketing and sales efforts? Or are you hesitant to allocate the funds because you’re not sure if you’ll see a solid return on investment? Naturally, few companies are eager to increase spending in any area, let alone […]

104 Facts You Don’t Know About Mobile Marketing

We were writing about the rise of mobile (“Mobilegeddon”) a couple of years ago. Yet, even with the meteoric growth in mobile marketing, it still represents one of the newest and most important forms of digital marketing present on the market. For those who do not know, it provides customers with personalized information, promoting services, […]

Marketers: Check Out These Hot New Trends in B2B Marketing Automation

Throughout the past couple of years in my consulting practice, I’ve seen the market for marketing automation appear, develop, and completely change the face of marketing agencies. According to the Aberdeen Group, back in 2014 nearly 70% of businesses were using a marketing automation platform or are currently implementing one. That percentage has only grown in the […]