Convert Leads
Converting leads is about making sure the traffic you attract to your site converts to leads that you can then nurture and close for revenue. To do this, you need to understand your buyers, possibly better than they understand themselves. You want to understand their needs, their interests, their fears, what excites them, and what motivates them. For B2B sales, this usually means you’re catering to more than one buyer as well.
You need to engage the business manager who will be buying our product or service, the IT guy who we will be interacting with and whose help you may require, the end user who will use the product being sold – for each business, the potential visitors and their interests differ and they each bring a different set of needs, pain points, and information (i.e. content) requirements.
What This Means For You
An offer that interests one buyer will not necessarily be of interest to another. We can’t pitch our products and services the same way to every potential customer. Each visitor may be at a different stage in the buying process.
This is a challenge that requires businesses to think like their prospects and meet all their needs. You have a multi-faceted product with many different benefits – those benefits aren’t going to speak to everyone, so you need to determine when and where to change your message and offers about the product you are selling to convert leads.
Likewise, your prospects may have found you, but they aren’t just looking at you. They are evaluating your offerings, your competitor’s offerings, and what the market says about you. They are doing their due diligence, and you need to be prepared to answer their “unspoken” questions honestly and openly.
We will help you establish and build a trust relationship with your buyers to convert more quality leads.
We will help you understand the different types of prospects that you encounter, identify and target the right offers to them – the ones that will answer the questions they have, speak to their pain points, and entice them to learn more about you.